Thursday, June 2, 2011

WeinerGate : The Shame of CNN or "News Gone Wild"!

Today's post was an obvious choice because it is so ridiculious to even talk about.  I watched CNN's Wolf Blitzer Interview with Rep. Weiner video with absolute befuddlement!  For those of you who do not know, Rep. Weiner supposedly sent a picture of himself in his underwear to a woman in Twitterland!  Is that now the definition of a lewd photo?  Then, I guess all of the Sears catalogs that have been published, even K-Mart's too, are smut peddling devices!  Even if Rep. Weiner did send a picture of himself in underwear, and even if he is covering it up by deflecting comments about it, it is an example of a news media frenzy gone wild!  If you watch the interview with Rep. Weiner, it is 7 minutes 36 seconds of ludicrous nausea that I felt CNN and E! sprinkled in with "TMZ" merging into one piece of garbage!  And CNN actually headlined this at 5PM!  Satan himself is laughing somewhere!

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